Knife - Hack The Box

The Knife machine of HackTheBox is an easy Linux machine very useful to understand basic concepts about enumeration, and how to stablish a simple reverse shell. It is also helpful to understand the escalation of privileges using Gtfobins.


Only the ports 22 (SSH) and 80 (HTTP) are open.


In the website we will see a simple page with nothing interesting at a glance.

Using Wappalyzer, a web enumeration tool, we find that the web is running PHP 8.1.8, which is a deprecated version that may have some vulnerabilities available.

PHP vulnerability

With the command searchsploit PHP 8.1.8 we can find the exploits that affect this PHP version.

The most interesting one is the one about a Remote Code Injection backdoor, so we download it.

In its github we can see its syntax, which is python3 -u (IP) -c (command) Then, we try to list the files and directories in the machine with this exploit, and we check that it is working propperly.

Reverse shell

As we have RCE, we will execute a Reverse Shell bash command available at GTFObins to get a shell.

Then, if we listen in the selected port with netcat using nc -nvlp 4444, we get a shell as the user james.

Knife command exploit

If we run sudo -l to list the commands that we can execute as a privileged user, we see that knife can be sudo executed.

I didn’t know what this command does, so I checked the help page, and realized that there was an exec parameter to execute scripts.

Then, as the knife command is executed as sudo, we can execute the bash itself to obtain access to a root shell directly and easy.

We can now get the root.txt flag.